A secure, highly customizable survey platform

MySurveyDesk is a tool designed for individuals and organizations seeking feedback on how they are perceived

MySurveyDesk in brief

Customizable questionnaires

MySurveyDesk© questionnaires are fully customizable and cover various degrees of focus on different aspects of leadership, organizational climate, diversity, innovation, etc.

Intuitive interface

The completion of MySurveyDesk© surveys is easy and intuitive, accessible from any device – desktop, tablet, or smartphone.

Anonymity guarantee

The identity of those providing feedback is protected at every stage of the process; respondent traceability is removed from the system the moment the assigned questionnaires are completed.


The surveys are available in their standard version in 4 languages: Italian, English, French, and Spanish. However, it is possible to add other languages upon request

Surveys represent a key tool for receiving feedback on how others perceive us; this is valid both at the individual and collective levels.

At the individual level, MySurveyDesk-360© offers leaders the opportunity to gather feedback on how they are perceived by the people they work with.

At the collective level, MySurveyDesk-ORG© offers organizations/companies the opportunity to gather feedback on various aspects of organizational climate or culture

Why use MySurveyDesk-360?

MySurveyDesk-360© enables organizations to objectively assess the behavior of their leaders, identifying areas for targeted investment in development.

Collecting feedback through MySurveyDesk-360© encourages a climate of transparency and openness in communication and demonstrates the importance organizations attribute to the opinions of the people who work within them.

Why use MySurveyDesk-ORG

Organizational climate significantly impacts employee engagement levels. Through MySurveyDesk-ORG©, organizations can acquire information and insights on the variables contributing to employee satisfaction, motivation, and commitmen

Feedback on the organizational climate helps identify aspects of the work environment perceived as positive; moreover, it highlights areas where planning actions for improvement is necessary, such as communication, teamwork, leadership, or diversity

MySurveyDesk-ORG© provides insights into how people perceive the values, mission, and vision of the organization in their daily activities. It allows identifying any gap between the desired culture and the actual experience of employees.

MySurveyDesk-ORG© is a particularly valuable tool during times of change. It provides information on how employees perceive and react to organizational changes, enabling the organization to understand concerns, address resistance, and adapt change management strategies

Collecting feedback on the organizational climate creates a culture of continuous improvement. Through regular monitoring of the work environment, organizations are able to assess the impact of initiatives undertaken.


360-degree feedback is the most effective and direct method to gauge how a leader’s behaviors are perceived by others. These are assessed from various perspectives (self-assessment, evaluation from superiors, peers, subordinates, clients, etc.). The information collected anonymously through MySurveyDesk-360© is used to highlight strengths and areas for improvement. The goal is to develop self-awareness and make leadership action more effective.

Fully customizable surveys

MySurveyDesk-360© offers the possibility to customize the survey with behavioral indicators defined in your leadership model, or to use the behavioral indicators available in our competency system, the result of years of research in the field of leadership

Reports that create awareness

MySurveyDesk-360© reports provide multiple levels of analysis of the results, offering participants a comprehensive range of information for developing targeted action plans. It is available in the user’s preferred language.

Customizable login page with multi-language support

Single login for users who need to provide feedback to multiple individuals

Configurable questions and response options


The MySurveyDesk-ORG questionnaires allow you to assess how employees in your company or organization perceive various aspects of the work environment, providing an image of ‘how it feels to work here‘. Some examples of areas of investigation include: engagement, recognition, autonomy, teamwork, organizational well-being, personal development and growth, and DE&I (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion).

Fully customizable

MySurveyDesk-ORG© provides you with the opportunity to customize the questionnaire you will use, offering access to a wide database from which you can choose the areas and aspects of organizational climate and culture you wish to investigate. Alternatively, you can use a list of areas and indicators that is already available to you or that we can assist you in developing.

Multidimensional reports

During the setup of your survey, you will have the opportunity to define the most relevant demographic indicators for your company/organization, allowing you to develop in-depth and segmented analyses according to your specific parameters.

Multi-language support

Demographic questions defined according to user criteria

Configurable open-ended questions tailored to your needs

Discover MySurveyDesk

Contact us to request a product demo or simply to discuss your needs